”The vermilion leaves and yellow leaves folding and unfolding upon the curtains depended utterly upon his mother. Without her they had no movement and no color.”
Ur They Came Like Swallows av William Maxwell
”The vermilion leaves and yellow leaves folding and unfolding upon the curtains depended utterly upon his mother. Without her they had no movement and no color.”
Ur They Came Like Swallows av William Maxwell
”Quite suddenly she spoke to him: ’Bunny, come here.’ He got down from his chair at once. But while he stood waiting before her and while she considered him with eyes that were perplexed and brown, the weight grew. The weight grew and became like a stone. He had to lift it each time that he took a breath.
’Whose angel child are you?’ By these words and by the wholly unexpected kiss that accompanied them he was made sound and strong. His eyes met hers safely. With wings beating above him and a great masculine noise of trumpets and drums he returned to his breakfast.”
Ur The Came Like Swallows av William Maxwell
”Ett skeende blir relevant först när det får konsekvenser. Därför börjar berättelsen i stunden när kvinnan blir mamma. Innan dess har det varit en saga för barn, utan logiska restriktioner, med surrealistiska inslag och med många möjliga slut.”
Ur Finna sig av Agnes Lidbeck
”Somliga morgnar vaknar jag ur en god sömn med ljusa drömmar och under ett par sekunder är mitt hjärta tomt och lätt. Sedan minns jag livet.”
Ur Skuggan av Marit Furn